Belinda MacInnes is an Australian based, internationally sought after professional coach and coaching skills trainer. Belinda has over 9,300 one-on-one coaching hours, and with clients in 30 countries her coaching practice is truly international. She partners deeply with leaders, managers, and professionals so they no longer feel alone.
Belinda is an ICF Master Certified Coach (only 4% of coaches hold this highest credential). She is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), in 2008 she served as the President of the ICF Australasia, and has successfully completed both the ICF PCC Markers and ICF MCC Assessor trainings. Belinda was a founding member of the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC) where she served on the Executive Committee for over six years. She holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Melbourne (physics and mathematics) and a Graduate Diploma in Business Systems (with Distinction) from RMIT University. She is a passionate student of where theoretical physics, neuroscience, philosophy and AGI are heading in this 21st century, and enjoys synthesising these to give her a unique approach to coaching and the business of coaching. Belinda is a sessional educator at ACAP University College, and was on senior faculty at Coach U for 23 years.
Her coaching clients include executives and managers within organisations, small business owners, and a handful of newer coaches whom she supervises and mentors. Her client list includes companies such as AWS, Epworth HealthCare, Hireup, Education Perfect, Fred IT Group, Richemont, Groupe SEB, Monash University, Melbourne Business School, ANZ, CBA, Westpac, HSBC, IAG, Shell, Santos, Holcim, PwC, ITW, Seek, NES Fircroft, Tegel Foods, JC Wiley & Sons, Bolton Clarke, MEGT, Cash Rewards; federal and state government departments such as WorkCover NSW and Tourism NT; and SME owners/entrepreneurs. Belinda’s coaching style has been described as direct and authentic. She is candid with a caring mindset. (While on the C’s, it has also been said that Belinda has compassionate energy, accompanied by curiosity, clarity, confidence and connectedness.) Belinda prides herself on her ability to see patterns, build insights and challenge her clients to be the best, most authentic versions of themselves.

I would thoroughly recommend working with Belinda.
As a coach, she was insightful and knowledgeable. As a person, enthusiastic and encouraging.
Belinda has enabled me to look at my career holistically, and embrace my WorkStyle and values. She invited me to consider things from a different perspective and challenge the status quo in both personal and professional circumstances.
I feel I have been on a journey of discovery and am all the better for it. Thank you Belinda.
Ricci F, Epworth HealthCare
Her coaching specialities include:
using IQ+EQ= Wholehearted Relating to genuinely influence & impact the workplace
identifying and reducing Imposter Syndrome – making it irrelevant (truly!)
supporting women to learn and understand their money blocks so they can take ownership of their money and be truly empowered
growing emotional intelligence, and conversational intelligence
uplevelling communication skills including giving and receiving feedback
strengthening personal foundations, including simplifying life to manage stress
gaining more sustainable energy thus more clarity
being more effective in what you do with your time and resources
using identified values to make key decisions and design strategies
using inherent capabilities to develop leadership skills
leveraging and retaining high potential employees
integrating work and lifestyle to discover your WorkStyle (work + lifestyle = WorkStyle)

Belinda’s extensive experience in the business world from both a corporate (General Motors) and small business perspective, along with her formal coach training, has given her an insight into the correlation between enjoying a healthy lifestyle and achieving professional success. Her exposure to people who are driven to succeed, but at a very high cost physically, spiritually and emotionally, enabled her to see the ‘juggernaut’ that many employees and business owners are on. Thus she is passionate about coaching and growing coaching globally. Her powerful mix of the creative and linear gives her a unique insight into coaching and the business of coaching. She is the author of the Professional Coach’s Business System® and the PCBS Revisited which are being used by coaches worldwide.